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  3. 赌桌上对付这八种人的诀窍【前三种】
    Tips for dealing with these eight types of people at the gambling table [the first three]

Tips for dealing with these eight types of people at the gambling table [the first three]


Let's start with the first type of gambler: the diehard. One of the characteristics of this type of gambler is that they will never take a risk without a good enough hand. In their view, the poker table is not to win, but not to lose. A die-hard gambler can sit there motionless for hours, look at the cards, and then throw them into the river. If a die-hard gambler suddenly becomes aggressive, he can be sure that his hand is too small. If you also have a good hand, you must carefully consider how good your hand is and whether it is possible to beat the opponent. Although the diehard gambler is very conservative and stable, it is difficult to win at the poker table, because his single bet is almost a symbolic move, which proves that there must be good cards, and many people will not easily call him. In general, die-hard gamblers are not easy to lose and not easy to win.



The second type of gambler is the muddleheaded gambler. Generally speaking, in formal gambling, there are very few confused gamblers. But in our daily life, there are still many such gamblers. They are very addicted to cards, but they don't know how to play cards, and they always lose. There are still many such gamblers. One of the most typical characteristics of confused gamblers is that they are clumsy and have no shrewdness. Their trump cards are all reflected on their faces. As long as you can read your words, you should know when to shoot and when to stop. Usually, the complexion of the confused gambler is a mirror of the good or bad cards, and it is easier to play with such a gambler.


第三种类型的赌徒是弱紧型。所谓的弱紧型赌徒,就是指这个赌徒在下注的时候非常松驰散漫,不懂趁热打铁的道理。这么一来,他拿到好牌时赢的机会就相对减少了,但输的机会也同样会减少。如果你想更大限度地赢取弱紧型赌徒的筹码,却不是一件容 易的事情。弱紧型赌徒对形势缺乏正确的判断力,当看到对手势头强劲时,弱紧型赌徒即使手中有好牌,也有可能弃牌。所以跟弱紧型赌徒玩牌,你要保持相当的克制,用慢条斯理的方式才能在他手中贏得更多的筹码。

The third type of gambler is the weak tight. The so-called weak-tight gambler refers to the gambler who is very loose and loose when betting, and does not understand the truth of striking while the iron is hot. In this way, his chances of winning when he has a good hand are relatively reduced, but his chances of losing are also reduced. If you want to maximize the stacks of weak-tight gamblers, it's not an easy task. Weak-tight gamblers lack the correct judgment of the situation, and when they see the momentum of their opponents, they are likely to fold even if they have a good hand. So playing with a weak-tight gambler, you have to exercise a fair amount of restraint and use a slow approach to win more chips in his hands.
