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    Blackjack Card Counting Skills

Blackjack Card Counting Skills

大多数二十一点的玩家玩牌时用的是基本技巧,但是对于职业玩家来说, 这些基本技巧是远远不够的。对于职业玩家来说,玩二十一点,算牌是非常重要的一个工具。
算牌不可能是记住每张牌出现过的次数,有一个最简单的方把2、3、4、5、6设置为1;7、8、9设置为0; 10、J、Q、K、A设为-1。 比如说庄家发完明牌,你看到是2、5、9、8、J、Q,那么这六张牌加起来就是1+1+0-1-1=0。所有在脾面出现过的牌你都按照这种方式来计算,计好牌之后,你就可以发现什么时候对你有利,什么时候对你不利。一旦重新洗牌, 你就要重新开始计算。

举个例子吧: 头一局,庄家发的牌是7、10、2、5、9,那么如果应用这种算牌系统就是这样记:0-1+1+1+0=1。这个1就是你需要记住的数字。第二局, 发的牌是A、2、5、10、2、8,那么就是-1+1+1-1+1+0=2。接着把2记入上局的累计的数字,就是2+1=3, 这个3就是你要记住的累计值,以此类推,循环下去。当这个累计值是正值的时候,表明剩余的牌对玩家平均更为有利。负值代表比平均值对玩家更为不利。你应当学会怎样持续地记牌,并且速度至少能跟得上庄家发牌的节奏。如果你知道庄家使用的是几副牌的话,那是最好了,你可以估计余下的牌的数量,知道到底会对你多有利或不利,并综合累值,计算最佳的决策。mega888干扰器

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算牌究竟能带给你什么样的好处呢?首先当算牌是正值的时你知道牌面对你更有利,这种情况下你的筹码可以多下点。当为负值时, 情况对你不利,这时你的筹码应该下少一点。

情况对你更有利的时候,也就是所谓的运气更好的时候,你下注的筹码应该跟情况不利的时候拉开差距。 “好运气”时所下的注最好是坏运气的四倍, 当然具体多少, 应该根据你的实际情况来操作 一个玩家如果记忆力好,牌桌上镇定从容,算牌没有失误的话,一般来说没有理由不赢。马来西亚918kiss干扰器


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Most blackjack players use basic skills, but for professional players, these basic skills are not enough. For professional players, playing blackjack, card counting is a very important tool.
Card counting is impossible to remember the number of times each card has appeared. There is a simplest method to set 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 1; 7, 8, 9 to 0; 10, J, Q, K and A are set to -1. For example, after the dealer has dealt out the cards, and you see 2, 5, 9, 8, J, and Q, then the six cards add up to 1+1+0-1-1=0. All the cards that have appeared on the spleen side are calculated in this way. After counting the cards, you can find out when it is in your favor and when it is not in your favor. Once the cards are reshuffled, you have to start the calculation all over again.mega888 hack jammer
For example: In the first round, the dealer dealt 7, 10, 2, 5, 9, so if this card counting system is applied, it is written like this: 0-1+1+1+0=1. This 1 is the number you need to remember. In the second round, the cards dealt are A, 2, 5, 10, 2, 8, then it is -1+1+1-1+1+0=2. Then record 2 into the accumulated number of the previous game, that is, 2+1=3, this 3 is the accumulated value you need to remember, and so on, and so on. When this cumulative value is positive, it means that the remaining cards are more favorable to the players on average. Negative values represent more disadvantage to the player than average. You should learn how to keep track of cards, and at least as fast as the dealer deals. It's best if you know how many decks the dealer is playing, you can estimate the number of cards left, know how good or bad it will be for you, and combine the accumulated value to calculate the best decision.
What kind of benefits does card counting give you? First of all, when the card counting is positive, you know that the cards are in your favor, and you can put more chips in this situation. When it's negative, the odds are against you and your stack should be a little smaller.malaysia 918kiss jammer
When the situation is more favorable for you, known as better luck, you should bet more chips than when the situation is unfavorable. The best bet for "good luck" is four times that of bad luck. Of course, the exact amount should be operated according to your actual situation. If a player has a good memory, is calm at the poker table, and has no mistakes in counting cards, generally Said there was no reason not to win.
A lot of players count cards when they play blackjack, so now the game uses a circular shuffling machine, which means that you have no use for counting cards. But if players play together, they can still count. Of course, this is also based on the fact that others don't know how to count cards. If he does, he will definitely shuffle cards often, making it impossible for you to count.
Blackjack is a very special poker game because it is the only game where the player has an advantage over the dealer, about 0.1%. Although this advantage is small, it will become larger over time. If the player has mastered the card counting skills again, then the situation of the dealer is not good.
